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國小生的英文釋義: 篇一

(primary school)pupil 英 [ ˈpju:pl ] 美 [ ˈpjupəl ] ;

schoolchild ; schoolboy (男); schoolgirl (女); primary scholar

網 絡pupil;pupils;students;elementary school students

國小生的英文例句: 篇二


Schoolchildren often have/get crushes on teachers.


He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren.



The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren.


The pupil was dozing over a book.


The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories.


The pupil had absconded from his school.


Pupils are three times more likely to drink alcohol than use illegal drugs.


These books are a bit difficult for schoolchildren.


The truth is so plain that a schoolboy knows it.

1、He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs. 他用自己的業餘時間訪問學校,告誡國小生遠離毒品。

2、They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys. 他們像國小生一樣,在地板上滾來滾去,互相揮著拳頭揍對方。

3、Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experience of computers. 現在,99%的國小生都親手操作過電腦。

4、Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils. 學校開除了數量空前的難以管教的國小生。

5、It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils. 那情景就像一個老師正在管教一屋子的二年級國小生。

6、The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child'sneeds. 班主任必須對國小生的需求體察入微。

7、The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren. 電影記載了一群倫敦國小生的日常活動。

8、Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have. 有的老師比國小生的父母更能管得住他們。

9、It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error. 那是個十分低階的錯誤,一個國小生才會犯的錯誤。

10、He was a precociously bright school boy. 他是個智力超前的國小生。

11、Eleanor was a reluctant, anxious pupil. 埃莉諾是個扭捏侷促的國小生。

12、a capitation fee for each pupil 攤派到每個國小生頭上的收費

13、The pupil joined the two points by a straight line. 那個國小生用直線把兩點連線起來。

14、The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room. 老師威脅著要把這無禮的國小生攆出教室。

15、He is researching into the reading problems of pupils. 他正在研究國小生的閱讀問題。

16、As a schoolboy, he showed every sign of genius. 當他還是個國小生的時候, 就顯示出了天資聰慧。

17、Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the school boys. 科學故事使國小生們的想象力活躍起來。

18、The teacher collected all the pupils in front of the classroom buildings. 老師把國小生招集在教學樓前。

19、The pupil's attention span was short. 這個國小生的注意力持續時間很短。

20、We just sat there giggling like naughty schoolchildren. 我們只是坐在那兒像調皮的國小生一樣的咯咯地傻笑。

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